Local Legends #11

Venue : Burlington Bar
City : Chicago
Line Up : Sarin, Porcupine, Brain Cave, Nequient

I’ve mentioned some places in previous reviews that have surprise venues tucked in the back, but Burlington Bar takes the cake. Much like Sleeping Village you’re greeted up front with a swanky bar area with bottles galore on display. At the far end of the long room is a door labeled “Live Music” which, as I hope you’ve guessed, is where the live music is. This time though the venue is about a 2 car garage wide and 4 car garage deep, but that ends up making for a truly charming little spot even for local metal night like tonight.

Up first tonight was Sarin and I was sold before they played a single note. They had a theremin, accordion, a slew of other digital gadgets and knick-knacks, but most importantly the bass player had a chain for a strap and it was the coolest. The band is a metal band that toes the line between experimental and theatrical but never loses sight of the carnage they’re out to wreak. Listen to the intro of “Endless Tragedy” and you’ll hear the use of some cool effects that truly shine live but quickly throw you into a groove like only your local metal heads can. Check out “Palace of Worms” for good measure, that song rips and about 2 minutes in with the siren you’ll feel that theatrical pull cause it’s such a mood setter.

On deck was Porcupine and these guys are a straight up thrash / hardcore band, and I can’t get enough. They have a song called “Mountain Facade” that sounds like skin being melted through the power of sheer will and I just love it. “Self Reflection on Tacit Knowledge” is also one you should find from them, it’s got some really cool changes that make it borderline Tool but with much sharper claws. They perform well together too, you could really see everyone having fun and that sells any show from thrash to disco.

Third on the bill were the out-of-towners, Brain Cave, and I’m so glad I get to write about this band. Right this very now pull up “Neologism” because I’ve been listening to it this whole time. This group sounds like the natural progression of the grungy 90s sounds into the modern space. “Midnight Push” is another good example of this. Listen to the intro and you’ll think maybe you’re gonna hear some early Thrice or something even harder but then the song kicks your ass and does an ollie over your body. Great band.

Finally, Nequient. Holy. Hell. Their drummer Chris also drums for The Ricky Liontones Revue so I’ve been able to chat with him and even share a stage but that’s such a different sound. This band is organized insanity executed very skillfully; check out “Bootlicker” here for the best example. There’s a lot going on but they’re balanced so well that nothing gets lost. Imagine a more hardcore System of a Down, less focused on hooks (and Armenia in general) but definitely expressive and willing to change the feel on a dime even for just a moment. “Eradicate the Malignancy” is a track that shows it all, and also has some really great drumming. Their lead singer also wins performer-of-the-night award and is in the post picture for this review. Great stage presense.

Don’t sleep on your local metal nights folks, these are some of the most kind and creative people I’ve ever seen and they’re just out here selling kick ass shirts. Go buy one and have a killer time.


Local Legends #12


Local Legends #10